I am a caffeine junkie. Before keto, I had a '4 to 5 cups a day' tea habit, but black tea holds zero appeal for me so I found myself switching to coffee. I have always loved coffee but now it borders on obsession. We have about 4 different coffee machines and are planning to buy a Nespresso machine next month. I started experimenting with different brewing methods and cold brew was my first exploration away from "regular coffee". I was in love the minute I tasted it. I make cold brew about once a week. It makes 3 litres each time and lasts me about 5 days.
You put WHAT in your coffee?!
Bulletproof coffee; some people swear by this stuff, some people hate it, some people will get really angry when you tell them you drink it (cos you know, arteries and stuff) but it's definitely becoming well known. And if you don't know what it is yet - it's when you add butter and/or MCT oil to your coffee. I'm kind of lukewarm about this stuff, I definitely don't think it is as vital to keto as many sites lead you to believe. I'm not a fan of drinking my calories, and boy does this have calories. Sometimes I just feel like having one, maybe every two months or so, so I came up with a recipe that works for me. This is not the original BulletProofCoffee(TM) or whatever, but it's an approximation. Everyone has their own version of how to make this, this is the one I like.