Ginger & Lime Jello Cheesecake

I've been playing with the combination of jello (jelly for those of us speaking english on the bottom half of the planet) and cream cheese quite a lot lately, it makes a really spectacular fridge cheesecake. The best part of this is, it is so versatile: you can use any flavour combinations you want, you can leave out the base, you can combine it with plain jello - creating a layered cheesecake effect in a glass. There are so many ways to use this basic recipe.

I'm a big fan of ginger and lime, as if you guys haven't noticed, but I've also done a chocolate orange version of this cake with a few easy tweaks. Strawberry and chocolate, pineapple cheesecake with orange jello, raspberry and cherry cheesecake, blackcurrant and chocolate with whipped cream, are just some examples of where you can take this.

The calories in this are a little heavy because of the combination of cream cheese and heavy cream, if you want to lower them - leave out the heavy cream.  The bulk of the carbs in this recipe are in the chocolate base, so if you are looking for a lower carb sweet treat - simply leave out the base.

Pecan Pumpkin Pie

The holidays are traditionally a difficult time to stay on any diet. Last year I was a bit concerned about being able to do keto over christmas because of all the carbs and desserts and traditional holidays foods I would be missing out on. But I am keto for life, so the only real solution is to make my own new traditions. Pumpkin pie is an amazing traditional dessert that is so easy to "keto".

This pie was the by-product of me trying to recreate old favourites in a low carb way. It's more of a cheesecake but the flavours go together brilliantly, and all my non-keto family absolutely loved it. It freezes well and my parents were eating this for weeks after the holidays.

The fresh pumpkin I buy is 4.7g NET carbs per 100g, so the macros I have for this are based on that. I would highly recommend you work out your own because I've seen a lot of variation in the listed carbs in pumpkin.

Lime & Ginger Cheesecake

If you like cheesecake, you're in the right place. If it wasn't for how much cream cheese these use, and the fact that I am still trying to lose weight, I would probably have them in my house all the time. Lime and ginger is one of my favourite flavour combinations. I use it regularly in sweet and savoury dishes.

At 2.5g carbs each, these cupcakes make a great dessert, or if you have the metabolism of my husband, a quick snack. They don't last long in our fridge.  You could make a large cheesecake out of this but the base would need to be doubled and it won't be as easily removable on a larger scale - the cupcakes are quite fragile.

Death by Chocolate Cheesecake

The first time Waide tried this he immediately said "this is the crust recipe you use from now on!".

This was a random invention based on what I had in my fridge and honestly, the best cheesecake I've ever eaten! But I'm biased, so try it for yourself! When you see the ingredients you are probably going to think "holy calories!" But this recipe divided easily into ten servings, it works out to 4.8g of carbs per serving and 380 calories. Easy to fit into your macros for a special occasion, or you know, a Monday.